
Showing posts from 2015

حمض الفوليك folic acid

حمض الفوليك ومرض التوحد دراسة طبية جديدة    توصلت دراسة طبية نرويجية ان المرأة الحامل التي تتناول الجرعات المكملة لحمض الفوليك قبل ٤ أسابيع من الحمل ، وبعد        الأسابيع الأولى من الحمل يساعد على تقليل فرص إصابة جنينها بمرض التوحد                                                          . ما هو حمض الفوليك؟ معلومات مفيدة للتعرف         ؟                                                  ...

Heart Attack

Heart Attack..... The heart attack occurs when the flow of the blood to the heart is blocked. This blockage is formed from the build up of fat, cholesterol and other substances which forms a plaque in the arteries which feed the heart (coronary arteries) This plaque sometimes rupture and form a clot that blocking the blood flow to the heart. This blockage of the blood flow will destroy or damage a part of the heart muscle. The condition of the heart attack is called myocardial infraction. Image 1-The plaque in the coronary arteries                        The signs of  the  includes:   -Discomfort felt in the middle of the chest that lingers more than a few minutes, or disappears and then returns, it may feel like pressure or squeezing or heaviness in the chest. It can fell like indigestion or a burning sensation. These are some of the important signs -Discomfort or pain in other places of ...